Hope Of Expanding

Once our online store is up and running successfully, we have plans to expand our operations and open a physical store in Surry County, NC. This new venture will allow us to reach a wider audience and further support our rescue animals.

Our goal is to find a low-cost, small physical space that will serve as a retail outlet for our secondhand items. By selling these items, we will be able to generate funds that will directly benefit the dogs and cats in our care. The money raised will be used to provide essential needs such as food, veterinary care, and spay/neuter surgeries.

Surry County, NC is an ideal location for our physical store. We believe that by establishing a presence in this community, we can not only raise awareness about our cause but also engage with local residents who may be interested in adopting or volunteering.

Our focus is on providing quality secondhand items to our customers while also making a positive impact on the lives of rescue animals. We believe that by offering affordable products, we can encourage more people to shop consciously and support our cause at the same time.

As we move forward with our plans, we will be actively searching for the perfect space in Surry County that meets our requirements. We are excited about the opportunity to expand our reach and make an even greater difference in the lives of animals in need.

Stay tuned for updates on our progress as we work towards opening our physical store in Surry County, NC. Together, we can create a brighter future for rescue animals and provide them with the care they deserve.

About saveamuttkennel

I have worked in animal rescue for 25 years. My life revolves around my rescue animals. I started this website in order to make money for my private animal rescue. My efforts are funded 100% out of my own pockets. 100% of the proceeds from this website will go to my rescue animals. With the costs of everything rising and the economy getting worse every day we need help. Our adoptions are 25% of what they normally are at the end of the year. It costs us $250-$300 PER week just to feed everyone. Our vet bills are outrageous. I am hoping this online store will help supplement the costs of caring for everyone.
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