Our Online Store Is Coming…Shop And Help The Rescue Animals!

We are excited to announce that our online store will be launching soon! By shopping at our online store, you will not only be able to find great products, but you will also be supporting a worthy cause. 100% of the proceeds from our online store will directly benefit the rescue animals in our care.

At Save a Mutt Kennel, we are dedicated to rescuing and finding loving homes for dogs and cats in need. We provide them with shelter, medical care, and love until they find their forever homes. However, caring for these animals comes with expenses, including food, veterinary care, and other supplies.

By shopping at our online store, you can help us continue our mission of saving and improving the lives of these animals. Every purchase you make will go towards providing them with the care they need and deserve.

In our online store, you will find a variety of items for sale. From pet accessories and toys to apparel and home decor, there is something for everyone. Whether you are a pet owner looking to spoil your furry friend or someone who wants to show their support for animal rescue, our store has something for you.

Additionally, we also offer used items for sale in our online store. These gently used items have been donated by our supporters and are a great way to find affordable products while supporting our cause.

About saveamuttkennel

I have worked in animal rescue for 25 years. My life revolves around my rescue animals. I started this website in order to make money for my private animal rescue. My efforts are funded 100% out of my own pockets. 100% of the proceeds from this website will go to my rescue animals. With the costs of everything rising and the economy getting worse every day we need help. Our adoptions are 25% of what they normally are at the end of the year. It costs us $250-$300 PER week just to feed everyone. Our vet bills are outrageous. I am hoping this online store will help supplement the costs of caring for everyone.
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